Welcome to Healthy Pets New Zealand (HPNZ), where veterinary professionals are coming together to find ways we can improve our care of Kiwi pets.
We are a team of volunteers working to ensure we have current and topical research that is relevant to the companion animals under our care here in New Zealand.
HPNZ is our opportunity to support local experts investigating better diagnostics and treatments, exploring how we work with animals, and how we can care for them better through understanding what makes them tick. The research we fund is designed to have an impact on our pets here in NZ, but in some cases it will has international relevance and is ground-breaking too.
New Zealand researchers have made some outstanding contributions to the advancements of animal care, and we want to make sure that continues well into the future.
We need your support through donations, fundraisers, bequests and spreading the word about who we are and what we do.
That's why we're extremely grateful to the many Kiwis who give so generously to support us.
Together we're helping generations of Kiwi pets live healthier and happier lives!
Dr Hayley Hunt
Healthy Pets New Zealand